How to choose a smooth opening masterbatch? For master batch manufacturers, the main key is: how to choose the suitable opening master batch? In addition to its excellent opening anti stick effect, there are the following points:
1. Optical performance: because of achieving better transparency and lower haze, the selection of opening smoothing agent should be similar to the refractive index of resin (1.49), with narrow particle size distribution and appropriate particle size, and a little can achieve the desired opening effect.
2. Dispersibility: The particle size of the anti adhesion agent is crucial. The smaller the particle, the harder it will be to disperse. The larger the particle size, the more it will affect the surface and optical properties of the thin film. The particle size of anti adhesive agents is usually 2-10 microns, which requires masterbatch manufacturers to have high dispersion twin screw units and rich experience in masterbatch dispersion production.